Click to Install BBQ Remote App from your iPhone

Current Beta Version: 1.0.2 for Beta Testers Only

Last Updated: 5/22/2013 - 10:47 a.m. Central Time

We are no longer accepting any more beta testers for the BBQ Remote App. Thanks for everyone for their feedback. We have made some changes and are trying to get the latest version to the App Store for iPhone and Android.
If anyone has any questions/feedback or comments, feel free to send us an email.



Hi Everyone,

We have received a lot of feedback from people testing the iPhone and Android App for the BBQ Guru.

I have noticed that there are a lot of people trying to download and install the app from the website. If you are unable to download and install this means that the app certificate has not been signed with your specific device id (UDID).

Once the app is released to the app store for iPhone and Android this is no longer an issue. The website link is only used for beta testers.

We have received a lot of feedback from some of the beta testers and we are currently in the process of updating/enhancing the app and will be releasing it to the app stores soon.

Sorry for not getting this out sooner but we were pulled away on another mobile project.

I will post some more information on the website of some upcoming features in the app. Such as a twitter like stream where people can post pictures and text of their cooks and other people who have the app will be able to veiw. You will also be able to upload the pics directly to twitter and facebook.

I will post some updated screenshots on the website when they are available. If anyone has some ideas they would like to see in the app. Please email

Thank You

You will need the download and install the latest firmwareWifi Guru Firmware 1.1 the install instructions are inlcuded in the zip.

Please make sure that the following items have been addressed....

Enhancements & Bug Fixes

Future Enhancements Requests

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to enable the Wifi Guru for Infrastructure and Port Forwarding?

There are a couple of reasons that port forwarding and port 80 is used for our app. Our app does graphing and keeps a history of your cooks for you on our servers. There will be a webportal piece of the app that will allow you to login and view a detailed graph of the complete cook, add notes, and view past history. To do a proper graph we need to be able to poll the Wifi Guru at constant intervals and collect temperature data. We could have allowed the mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android device) to do the polling and store the file directly on the device itself. But this would have mulitple points of failure with creating a proper log file for graphing history.

For example:

Our solution for this is to have you set up infrastructure mode and allow your Wifi Guru to connect to server hosted on GoDaddy. The server will do all of the polling and logging for you and keep a history stored on the server. This way if your Mobile device loses connection, battery dies, or Mobile device goes into sleep mode our server will continue to poll the Wifi Guru and collect temperature data.

Why do I need to register?

So after you register, our server will have your device information to connect to the Wifi Guru once you start cooking. All of the data is encrypted and stored securely in our database. You will be able to login from any Mobile device that has BBQ Remote app installed without having to configure the connection settings to your Wifi Guru each time.

Will port 80 be secure from the outside world?

Yes, The latest version 0.3 and higher now supports the Wifi Guru Username and Password for secure access to your Wifi Guru device.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Thank You